Creating an Account

How to signup and get started


Last Update 3 jaar geleden

To  trade on, the user will need to sign up on the platform.

Here are the steps to get started;

Step 1: Click on “Get Started”

Step 2: Fill in your correct details.

Step 3: After filling-in your details and clicking on "Register", you will be prompted to proceed to STEP 2.

NB: In the event that  this is unsuccessful and you are told your email already exists, please go to the Sign in page and click on "Forgot password".

Step 4: Proceeding to STEP 2 will bring you to where you can fund your wallet. If you do not wish to fund your wallet at that time, you can click here to learn how to fund your wallet later.

Step 5: Welcome to Emuut. 

To sign up, click here.

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